
Senior Software Engineer

Posted 6 months ago by Cyrus Bandani
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Job Description

Application Saint is planning to upgrade Java version from version 7 to 11 to keep up with expectations and security.
With this in mind, plus expected progress with upcoming releases we need a Senior Java BE developer.
Now there is still a strong need to upgrade Java version.

Needed skills in detail: Hands on experience of upgrade Java 7 to 11 and package version upgrades. Introducing JBoss in OpenShift, preferably by someone who have migrated from WebSphere to OpenShift. Even better if this experience is from our group, thus upgrade JVS 4 to JVS 5.7 or higher.

Competence List: FrameWorks
1. DB2 database
2. Java fundamentals
3. Spring
4. JMS
5. JSF/Richfaces/Primefaces
6. JPA/Hibernate
8. Junit/Mockito

1. tomcat
2. GIT/Gerrit
3. Maven
4. Jenkins
5. Eclipse/ Other IDEs
6. docker/Kubernetes