
Project Security Manager

Posted 1 year ago by Daniel Fransson
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Job Description

In this assignment you’re expected to act as Security Manager is in a data intensive automotive project.

You will be part of the project team, supporting the creation and maintenance of security-relevant artefacts (e.g. Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment, Security Concept, Residual Risk Assessment, etc.) and coordinating the security engineering process activities within the project.

Additionally, it is essential to closely adhere to both internal and international cybersecurity standards and frameworks, such as ISO/SAE 21434, to ensure compliance.

Travels may be required.

  • We expect a person that can work independently, but in close collaboration with local experts as well as experts in Germany.
  • Knowledge in the major security standards and frameworks such as the mentioned ISO 21434 as well as NIST frameworks are essential.
  • You are expected to be onsite in Lund for the majority of the work carried out.